Monday, August 24, 2009

Letters from the editor...

Welcome to Atlanta Politics Online. Those of you that have been with us for a while may have noticed a recent flurry of announcements. We have added several writers over the last week to help us better cover the political landscape here in Georgia. We also added a pair of satirists, one of which got mugged today...

No, not in the physical sense. It seems that a 'fan' may have borrowed the piece that Dr. Dave published here over the weekend. By borrowed, I mean she completely stole it. Dr. Dave was not pleased, and neither are we.

The blogger, named "Sunny" posted the piece at the "sodahead blog". Maybe some of our readers can set Sunny straight on plagiarism. She can use the help.


Snarky Basterd said...

Thanks for the support, GD. I'd actually posted the piece on July 29, 2009, in a number of places, and it was reposted several times, but always with credit.

This was the first time I'd seen something of mine completely swiped without any attribution whatsoever.

It's incredibly distasteful, but she'll be hearing from my lawyer (as will sodahead) without a doubt).

George Dienhart said...

It is unfortunate. Maybe we can get sunny to fill in for you hear if you ever need time off ;)

Obi's Sister said...

They must have taken it down...

When I quoted you, I cited, like a good girl!

Snarky Basterd said...

Just letting you know both her post and my rant in response yesterday are gone. She pulled hers last night; I pulled mine this a.m.

I want nothing to do with this piece now, the b.s. they gave me on her site, the juvenile reaction I gave her and them back.

I'm very sorry to have wasted everyone's time.